Our achievements follow a transparent and quality process, in full cooperation with the customer for the complete satisfaction of his expectations:
- Specification, analysis and validation of requirements: in this phase, the customer's needs are collected and analyzed, involving them in person and discussing the key issues to be addressed and solved. In this way we make sure that the product that you define fully meets the expectations of the user.
- Design and validation of the project: by defining a rough project, the customer is offered the possible solutions. If necessary, prototypes are produced to give an operational idea of the final product. Validated the solution, we proceed to the next step: the real realization of the product.
- Implementation and testing: during this phase the actual product is realized. Depending on the customer's needs, the best technologies are adopted to ensure scalability, reliability and efficiency.
- Commissioning: at this stage, last in chronological order, but not in importance, the customer enjoys the maximum support from Novatica to overcome the difficulties of using the new tool with documentation, training and assistance.